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Manor Royal Careers Expo 2018 (17/05/18)

What is Manor Royal Careers Expo 2018?

Manor Royal Careers Expo 2018 is a new and free event to discover what jobs, careers and training opportunities are available locally in Manor Royal.

Manor Royal Careers Expo 2018 leaflet

Why did you attend Manor Royal Careers Expo 2018?

I attended Manor Royal Careers Expo 2018 to see what jobs, careers and training opportunities are available to me.

Being an active job seeker, I did not attend because I needed to. I tended because I wanted to.

Who did you meet?

I met many people from the variety of companies who attended Manor Royal Careers Expo 2018, including Steve Sawyer, Executive Director of Manor Royal Business District (MRBD), who I have wanted to meet for a while now.

Companies who attended Manor Royal Careers Expo & Seminars

How do you think it went?

I think it went extremely well, eventhough I did feel it was quite claustrophobic, which I was not too worried about.

Companies who attended Manor Royal Careers Expo 2018
Free workshops

What next?

A few attendees have agreed to connect with me on LinkedIn, which is great, so now we can keep in contact with each other and help each other when necessary.

For those who I receive business card from, I will be clicking that follow button on LinkedIn for those who are on LinkedIn.


It was claustrophobic, but I really enjoyed it at manor Royal careers expo 2018 and met some interesting people. Definitely attend another Manor Royal Expo event in the future

With thanks

First and foremost, I would like to thank Steve for letting me attend Manor Royal Careers Expo 2018.

I would also like to thank the attendees at each stall who spoke with me.

To do list

  • Connect / follow with those who I spoke to.
  • Follow up with those I spoke to


Please note, this post is likely to be updated, so please watch this space!


General Labourer and a left-handed Philatelist.

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