Posted in Crawley

Q&A Sessions for Blog

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.

I hope that all of you are well?

I am currently looking for amazing people to complete Q&A sessions for my blog.

Up to now, I haven’t charged anything for Q&A sessions, and I am having to start charging for it now, as it is classed as some form of advertising.

I do have cheap prices, so it works better for everybody. So here are the prices in three steps:

If your company has:

  • Less than 50 who are interested = £25 per person
  • Between 51 and 99 employees who are interested = £20 per person
  • 100+ employees who are interested = £15 per person

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me by commenting below or e-mailing me on


Please note e-mails are a preferred communication for convenience and accuracy for everybody.

Also, payment must be paid before any Q&A sessions can take place.


General Labourer and a left-handed Philatelist.

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