Posted in Crawley

[REPOST] Interview Question: Are you an organised person?

This is a repost of an interview question which I published on Wednesday 16 May 2018 at 09:00.


Being an active job seeker, I deal with lots of research and paperwork.

At the end of each day, week and month, I set a to-do list of tasks I need to complete and put them into a day-to-day diary, along with any meetings I have planned. For example, I would check my e-mails first thing in the morning, every morning. This shows I developed a routine.

For every project, I make sure I plan fully and correctly, then go through the process to complete the projects. I always record notes at every stage of the process, which I would organise and file.


General Labourer and a left-handed Philatelist.

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