Posted in Crawley

A-One: 27/11/19

Once again, I arrived with a colleague at about 00:50.

Whilst waiting for my shift to start at 01:30, I handwrote blog posts again and the Trainer gave me a First Aid Reference Guide book.

At approximately 02:00, I scanned and carefully placed OFD, Print Label, etc. into their respective cages.

Between approximately 02:30 and 05:00, we scanned and carefully sorted parcels and packages for the two trailers that had arrived. By approximately 03:30, I had a massive explosive headache. And I mean explosive. It was lucky I had painkillers in my bag, which I took.

From 05:00, we were on our lunch break for approximately one hour. And during my lunch break, I spoke to my Manager about completing as much overtime as possible with DPD, through the agency I work for.

After lunch, I scanned parcels and packages from two trailers, carefully placing them into the correct cages (CR3, CR6, TN20 and TN21).

I had a quick smoke before taking the empty cages and totes from the yard that drivers left outside, back into the warehouse, in the correct locations.

I assisted a driver with loading his flier and I offered help to the female driver too. She declined my offer.

I had a smoke before helping with loading the first Luton, as part of a team. Then we were physically finished.

I then spoke to a Union Rep for approximately 45 minutes.


General Labourer and a left-handed Philatelist.

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