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College Life


I have been completing some research on how I can sell myself when actively seeking new opportunities.

I have been reading a book on how to sell myself.

Ref: McGowan, Ron (2013) How to Find Work in the 21st Century, London: Thames River Press, page 33

What was your favourite subject at college?

My favourite subject at college was the BTEC First Diploma in Business in my first year of college.

What was it about them that you liked so much?

I liked it so much because I found I had a business hat that I could use in all aspects of my life. Fro example, employment, finances, administration and much, much more.

What subjects did you dislike the most?

I would say that the most disliked subjects were the Bookkeeping course and the BTEC First Diploma in Public Services course.

What was it about them that you disliked the most?

For Bookkeeping, I found the tutor to be fairly strict. I don’t mind firm, but fair, but not strict on its own.

As for the BTEC First Diploma in Public Services course, it wasn’t my choice to complete it. I feel that the college forced me into completing it. During the course, I had to complete a three-day hike, which included camping for two nights. I hated camping before, and I still hated it then.

What projects or assignments that you worked on in college gave you the most satisfaction?

There were a couple of projects or assignments that I successfully completed, where I gained excellent satisfaction. The one with the most satisfaction was actually completing the BTEC First Diploma in business course.

The second one was when I raised money for Save the Children in my first year of college. I asked a couple of friends to see if they would be prepared to help, which they did. We had frequent meetings for ideas, progress, etc.. We, as a team, decided to complete a Tombola.  I visited local companies and asked for prizes, and the biggest prize was approximately £50 worth of Lush soaps. This prize was won on the third and final day of the Tombola.

What was it about them that made you feel that way?

For the BTEC First Diploma in Business course, I learnt a lot that I took away and knew I would be able to use in the future.

As for the Tombola for Save the Children, it was the amount of money that was raised that gave me amazing satisfaction. In total, we raised £130 and both the team as the team, and myself as an individual were put in the college newsletter, as well as one of the local newspapers.

I put my head down , got on with the tasks at hand and I completed all of the tasks at hand, in a methodical way. This gave me excellent satisfaction.

Name some of the highlights of your college experience.

I passed all of the courses I enrolled on and raised money for different charities in the process. Also, for both of the BTEC courses, I was nominated to be Tutor Rep, which I was successful in.

Name some of the lowlights of your college experience.

The biggest lowlight was being forced into completing the BTEC First Diploma in Public Services course, as it was something that I wasn’t interested in.

What achievement or achievements from your college years are you most proud of?

My achievements from my college years that I was most proud of were successfully completing all of the courses I enrolled on, being a successful Tutor Rep and raising money for different charities, especially Save the Children.

What do your answers to all of the questions related to your years in college tell you about the type of work you should be doing?

From my answers to all of the previous questions relating to my college years, it tells me that the type of work I should be doing is something where I can have my business hat on in a charity capacity, and not within Public Services or where camping is involved.


General Labourer and a left-handed Philatelist.

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