Posted in Crawley

Writer (Part 4c)

I recently read a section of The Careers Handbook, London: Askews & Holt about the job title, Writer, where it goes into more detail of the Skills Guide, and more.

This is Part 4c of a series of posts about this subject.

Now I will be going through a couple of the sections, adding my own twist on things. Here we go.

Career Paths: Poet

Expresses an emotion or tells a story through verse. Some poets with the aim of being published; others choose to purely to perform at audiences.

I have written one poem when I was younger, before I left education, but I have never actually enjoyed poetry.

Career Paths: Novelist

Writes Fictional Stories to entertain readers. There are many genres of novels, from science fiction to romance.

I have handwritten short stories when I was younger, but never got them published. It worked out that some of the titles were titles of other books and I never realised it.

I thought, “Nah. it’s somebody else’s work.”

Career Paths: Screenwriter

Produces scripts for films and TV productions, sometimes adapting existing novels can also find work writing speeches for business leaders and politicians.

Simply: Nah.

It’s a big  turn off for me. I know I can be over-opinionated sometimes, depending on what the subject is.


General Labourer and a left-handed Philatelist.

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