Posted in Crawley, Customer Service, Job Fairs, Job Roles, Job Searching, Networking, Seasonal Staff, Vacancies, Warehouse Worker

[PART 1] Job Fair: Crawley, 21/05/24

Why did you attend the New Start New Opportunity Job Fair?

I attended New Start New Opportunity Job Fair because I agreed to the Job Centre Plus put me forth for this Job Fair.

Where and when was the New Start New Opportunity Job Fair?

New Start New Opportunity Job Fair happened at Crawley Probation offices on the High Street on Tuesday 21 May 2024 between 10:00 and 12:00.

What companies attended the New Start New Opportunity Job Fair?

Here are the companies that attended New Start New Opportunity Job Fair:

What vacancies were available?

There were only 2 companies who had vacancies, but here are some leaflets that I picked up that shows more information about the companies that attended:

  • Consort
  • East Sussex College
  • Maximus

How do you think the New Start New Opportunity Job Fair went?

I feel that it went really well, considering it was only a small Job Fair with only 8 companies attending.

I am generally used to the bigger Job Fairs, where it is very busy and claustrophobic.

Though Timpsons declined straight away, I am happy that I went to see them. I am also happy that I also spoke to Consort, though they only had multi-drop vacancies available today. They would start taking on for other positions in the middle of January.


General Labourer and a left-handed Philatelist.

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