Posted in Communication skills, CV Drops, Initiative, Interviews, Job Searching, LinkedIn, Networking, Note taking, Organisational, Social Media, Vacancies

Researching a Prospective Employer

We all need to research prospective employers whenever we have a job interview lined up or whenever we do a Company Hunt or CV Drop.

Do you do research on companies you want to work for?

There are different pieces of information we will need for this research and different places to find this research. For example, facts and figures can be found on a company’s website. So can their office locations and company history. You may even find names of employees along with their job titles on their website, which would be a bonus.

Try this now!

Pick a company you would like to work for and visit their website. Take a look for facts and figures, office locations and their company history.

Write down the key information in your own words or type it up if you wish.

Now, we are becoming more and more online social freaks, and I will give you one guess on what we will be talking about now.


I’m not a fan of the everyday boring Facebook or Instagram posts of what people had for their dinner or what toy they gave their pet parrot. I am more of a LinkedIn person but we can still find useful information about companies, like what deals the company is currently offering customers.

What social media do you use? Instagram? Twitter? Facebook? LinkedIn? Or another social media? Let me know in the comments!

Try this now!

Pick two social media you use and research the company that you chose earlier.

What deals and offers are they advertising? Have they posted about any company achievements? How about causes or charities they care about?

Write this information down or type it up if you wish.

You may have that one friend who works for the company you want to work for, or even a friend of a friend. They may have valuable insights of the company.

Maybe you do shopping there and you see or get served by the same Sales Assistant or Manager. They are professionals in that particular field and can give you a valuable insight at all stages of hiring.

You can also look for and make contact with former employees who previously worked for the company.


General Labourer and a left-handed Philatelist.

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